Deerac Fluidics have adapted their product range to applications in the fields of Genomics, Proteomics and Drug Discovery.
The Equator or Latitude product configurations possess the necessary functionality and liquid handling properties to meet the majority of customer demands. Some of these properties are as follows:
- A wide liquid handling volume range that can meet current volume requirements and provide the platform to miniaturize assays immediately or at some stage in the future.
- Low cost of ownership. The return on investment after purchase can be realized in a short time period.
- High data quality. The precision and accuracy of Deerac’s products at volumes from 50nL-20µL are extremely high in comparison to traditional liquid handling and at volumes of 1-10µL, the CV is often below 3%.
- Ease of use. Deerac has designed simple, easy-to-use bench-top systems with intuitive software or touch screen controls to enable a very effective approach to automated liquid handling.
- Exceptional functionality. Through simple software control features coupled to the unique spot-on technology, Deerac’s products provide a huge range of dispensing flexibility that can be applied when developing assays. Customers now have a tool that can be used in optimizing and validating even the most complex of assays in a short time interval, something previously difficult to achieve with other liquid handling instruments.
Further benefits applicable to each system are discussed in the products section.